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About the Project

Title: “Skills for the Baltic Wood industry – European Quality in Vocational Education and Training”

Project Duration: 01.11.2018 - 31.10.2021

Project Number: 601123-EPP-1-2018-1-DE-EPPKA2-SSA

The wood processing sector is one of the main economy drivers and exporting industries in the Baltics with high growth potential but it is facing a lack of workforce with skills relevant to the current industry development – digital, green and other skills and qualifications recognized internationally.

During recent years the development of work-based learning (WBL) has been a priority of vocational education and training (VET) policy in the Baltic States and Europe. However, the main activities and improvements are focused on secondary level VET and there are minimal elements of WBL and quality assurance (EQAVET) in the next stages, including EQF level 5 VET.

These challenges will be addressed by creating a sector skills alliance and developing a European quality VET training programme that aims to improve the skills of the labour force in the wood processing sector in the Baltic States.

Main Objectives

  • Strengthen the cooperation between VET institutions and industry representatives

  • Improve the competitiveness and quality of VET institutions by introducing a WBL programme for internationally recognized qualification in line with EU quality instruments

  • Improve the skills and provide a clear strategy and instruments to address skills shortages in the wood processing sector

  • Foster economic development and innovation of wood processing sector by preparing specialists corresponding to labour market needs

  • Invest in enhancement of understanding - digital technologies, mobility, competitiveness and zero-waste production are drivers of changes

Expected Results

  • WBL training program and EQAVET indicators for EQF 5 level VET in wood processing sector, approbated in VET institutions and enterprises in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia

  • Guidelines for developing the WBL training program and applying EQAVET indicators, multiplication at EU level

  • Establish partnership as wood sector skills alliance in the Baltic states and Germany with potential of wider and long-term cooperation between VET providers, industry representative and stakeholders.

Project Partners


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